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Over the last nearly 40 years, the Rolling Stones have produced surely some of the best classic rock albums of all times. So I thought I would ask a tough question to everyone - what are everyone's top 3 Rolling Stones albums? Tough one I know, when there are so many to choose from.

Here are my top three Rolling Stones albums, and reasons why. And you maybe surprised to see that Exile on Main St. isn't one of them...

1: Let It Bleed - This album released in 1969, shortly after Brian Jones death, for me is the very pinnacle of the Stones, with Keith Richards firmly in control by now of the bands sound and direction. A truely grown up and diverse album, with three of my personal favorite Stones songs - the anthemic 'You Can't Always Get What You Want', the raw power and soul of 'Gimme Shelter', and the drug induced funky 'Monkey Man'. The whole album is a true sonic masterpiece...

2: Sticky Fingers - Following up immediately after the magnificent 'Let it Bleed' album came Sticky Fingers, and followed the same perfect mold. Two of the best songs on this album are actually polar opposites - the longing and amazing 'Wild Horses', and the outstanding and seriously underated jam song 'Can't You Hear Me Knocking'. Rounded out by classics like 'Brown Sugar' and 'Moonlight Mile', this certainly is a truly classic Rolling Stones album.

3: Beggars Banquet - A close second to Sticky Fingers, this album has two of the best Rolling Stones songs of all time, the rebellious, banned on the radio 'Street Fighting Man', and the lyrically perfect and groovy 'Sympathy for the Devil'. And the end of this album is surely one of the best of their album closers - 'Salt of the Earth' - it is also surely one of Keith Richard's most underrated songs. Combine that with 'No Expectations' and the other solid songs on this album, this is really grade A Rolling Stones material.

So there with have - my top 3 favorite Rolling Stones albums. Now its your turn Stones fans... what are your top 3 Stones albums, and why?

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my top 3 rolling stones albums are
1 It's Only Goat's Head Soup...but we like it

2 Obsidian

3 From Rags To Excess

thers albums are very rear i like the hard to find stuff its fun trying to find it and i am a big rolling stones fan
my top 3
1) exile on main street
2)let it bleed
3) some girls

it's like pickin' which of your kids is your favorite.
Let it bleed 60's, Exile 70's, Emotonal Rescue 80's. It changes from day 2 day
FORTY LICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! jk, jk, i kid.

1. Beggars Banquet

2. Sticky Fingers

3. Let it Bleed

Hon. Men. Goats Head Soup
My top 3 are:

1. Exile on Main Street
2. Let it Bleed
3. Beggars Banquet

I absolutely love the Stones.
My 3 top stones albums are

1. sticky fingers
2. some girls
3. Tattoo You
My top 5:
1 Sticky Fingers - Not even one weak song in there
2 Let It Bleed - As Rich said "a sonic masterpiece" with some of the best rock classics (Gimme Shelter mmmm)
3 Beggars Banquet - Beautiful album with Jone's last great album participation on the "No Expectations" slide guitar
4 After-Math - Turning point on the Stone's carrier as far as is composing more mature songs and their own material, the use of other instruments and rhytms (Paint It, Black or Mother's Little Helper, Lady Jane)
5 Their Majesties Satanic Requests - Underrated album, the Stones "Sgt. Peppers", in my opinion, different from any other Stones album both lyricaly and musically (Citadel, She's A Rainbow, 2000 Light Years From Home)

There are no top 3 Stones albums, it is whatever you are listening to at the time...

(1)Some Girls  (2)Exile On Main Street  (3)Let it Bleed

1.  Get Yer Ya Ya's Out

2.  Sticky Fingers

3.  Some Girls


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