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Both of these are truly great bands from different eras. Both of them have a 'classic' sound, yet one if from the 60's and 70's, and one is from the 90's/00's. And both of them have caused controversy by some of their statements.

The Beatles said - 'We are bigger than Jesus'.

Oasis said 'We are bigger than the Beatles'.

There are definitely similarities when it comes to their music too - take a listen to 'What's The Story Morning Glory' by Oasis, it certainly shows their Beatles influence, particularly songs like She's Electric, and their guitar chords are often as simplistic as the Beatles.

Personally, I love Oasis, but they still pale in comparison to the Beatles.

Who do you think is a better band? Reply below to share your opinion!

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My wife has 3 Oasis CDs and I find them good. But, to compare them to the Fabs, no, I don't think it's fair as they were huge fans themselves. I taped all the Beatles Anthology programmes off television , and Noel is as big a Beatles fan as I am, so I will not criticise his band. They were two extremely good bands.....But The Beatles were absolutely brilliant. So in conclusion I personally do not think that any group can be compared with The Beatles as they were a one off. This is not saying that the other groups aren't good, I have thousands of albums in all formats (except MP3, Ipod or anything on computer)so I have a vast range of taste musically. It's unfair to compare groups when there are many years between them. 

yeah beatles 

Well considering that the fact that the Beatles are the greatest band of all time...I'm gonna have to lean towards the Beatles on this one.


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