Classic Rockers Network

Classic Rock Fan Community: Led Zep, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Doors & More

Hey guys I am fairly new here myself and I am finding new things and figuring different things out all the time! In fact I just noticed that I have 28 friend requests out unanswered and I am willing to bet at least half of those people don't know they even have a friend request! I remember the first time I saw I had a request it had been there quite a while before I saw it.

So with all that said, look at the top right side of your profile page where it says inbox, alerts, friends invite etc. if you have a request it'll be there! Anyway check it out and keep rocking!

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Great point!! I am waiting on answers to requests right now.. and also, to everyone..when You come to the site, have a look at the chat-window...stop in and say Hey!! We dont bite!!!LOL

I think you are right. I  am new here also and don't always check my friend requests or my messages here. I  would be glad to be friends with anyone and as a friend I will support you here in any way that I can..  

Yep, great points Barry and Bear! Remember to always check the top right of your profile page for friend requests (and messages), and also check in the bottom right of the page to see who is online to chat with!

Any other tips or things you don't understand that would be good for newbies to know?

btw, Thx barry, rich and bear for your friendship.  Another way for new members to get to know people here on CRN is to tune into Wolfmanradio and join the chat.. Some good people and great tunes..


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