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Forget Transformers, Star Trek or Harry Potter. The movie event of the summer is going to be 'It Might Get Loud' - why? Because its going to be an amazing rock music documentary starring the wondrous Jimmy Page, along with Jack White (from Raconteurs and White Stripes fame), and U2's The Edge. It's basically a groundbreaking documentary on the electric guitar from the view point of three rock legends.

This looks like its going to be truly amazing - it covers these three different amazing rock guitar gods from three different generations - it features rare discussions from them all, and better yet, the tale builds up to them all eventually play together! Can't wait to see that!

It comes out in LA and New York on August 14th, and then other theatres nationwide after that. Here is trailer from YouTube - watch it and wipe the drool from your mouths.

Here is the movie website for even more details.

I think this is going to be amazing and will be there for the premier in LA hopefully! I am not quite sure on the inclusion of The Edge in this though? Apparently they wanted to pick someone from the 80's generation alongside Jimmy Page for the 70's and Jack White from the current day. Your thoughts?

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I'm gonna need a Xanax before seeing this one - the combo of the Edge, Pagey and Jack White, to me, is just a dream come true. I can't believe Davis Guggenheim got all three of them in a room together, and then got them to JAM. It's like "The Three Tenors" of Rock and Roll. Cannot wait!
It is what it is.
Jimmy Page is my idol
Thanks for letting us know about this. Can't wait to add it to the collection!
I first heard about this a year ago. I can't wait.
2 of the greatest innovators of rock. page from the 60's & 70's, no one was more diverse or imaginative. not many guitarists can switch between riff based songs to country/folk finger pickin' like page. jack white in my opinion has picked up where jimmy left off, i see a big hole in the 80's as far as innovation. steve vai or randy rhodes maybe? i guess frank zappa may encompass 3 decades of mind blowing innovation, way ahead of his time. i don't really subscribe to the edge "style" though, kind of a one trick pony in my humble opinion.
The edge ruins this movie for me. I will still see it out of respect for Jimmy Page and my love of zeppelin, but if they were looking for someone from the 80s, why not slash? i agree with Jim that the edge is a one trick pony that essentially picks the same string over and over again.
ah, the great guitarist debate. thats they beautiful thing about music, no right or wrong answer when it comes to taste. back in the day when i was cool,(or i thought so) i was asked to learn new years day and sunday bloody sunday. when i couldn't manufacture enough echo to pull it off properly, i kinda lost interrest. edge just aint my thing. hes is perfect for u2, no one elses style would work. but page? one of my favorite things about him is his ability to convey emotion thru his solos and chord structures. to me songs like the wanton song, ten years gone, stairway....hell i could go on and on, no i am just redundant but i think you feel me on this one. i am still pumped about this movie. would i rather see slash? hell yeah!
Has anyone seen this yet? I still haven't had time... I hear its amazing!
I just got back from seeing this! All I can say is that if you are any kind of classic rock fan or fan of the guitar, you HAVE to see this movie. Jimmy Page is in fine form - and you can tell he really relished making this movie. Its also really interesting to see the story of Jack White and his love affair with the guitar. And The Edge? Wow. That guy has some serious effects... go check it out while its still out!
I'm going to have to wait until it is released on DVD. It is playing in theaters nowhere near me. That really bites. :(


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