Classic Rockers Network

Classic Rock Fan Community: Led Zep, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Doors & More

Hey all - I just started this forum topic so that everyone on here can introduce themselves, and tell the world all about their classic rock passion!

Anyway, I am the Founder of this website, so here is all about me...

My name is Rich Page, and I have been into classic rock since I was 15. I have always wanted to create a classic rock fan website - and created my first classic rock website in 1996 (when the internet was just a baby) all about the Doors. I was very proud of it.

Back in January 2008, I decided to get ambitious and create a classic rock online community! And so, classic rockers network was born!

To tell you a little bit more about me, I am originally from England, and now live in Hollywood, after spending 6 years in San Diego. In addition to being a hugely passionate classic rock fan, I also love improving websites and lucky for me my regular job lets me do that - I am a web analyst for Disney Online. I also love watching and collecting great movies, doing karaoke (badly), bowling, eating great food (love mexican and sushi in particular). So that's about it.

Lets hear from all you other classic rock fans out there! Start introducing yourselves...

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Hi, I LOVE THE MUSIC OF THE DOORS, among other great music ! and I love JDM poetry a LOT. :P
I like to dance, i like love music, family, friends, the usual. mysteriousunion.
THanks for another place to play.
Hi Rich & all the Classic Rock fans out there.

I was introduced to the rock scene when I was a kid, since my mom was a big fan of Elvis Presley, so I grew up listening to "The King's" songs, which I remember enjoying them too.

I also remember, my older sister (7 years older than me), used to listen to the Osmond brothers and the Jackson 5 a lot, which I really didn't like. It was until I discovered in her music collection the "Sticky Fingers" album of the Stones, and Led Zep's "Houses of the Holy" LP, that really caught my attention, and was then that I became an official classic rock fan.

As years went by, I discovered other bands and rock artists like: the Doors, the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Deep Purple, Peter Frampton, Queen, Pink Floyd, and the list kept growing and growing, and as often as I could, I also began purchasing the latest album or cassette of my favorite rock artists to increase my own musical collection.

Although I lived in Mexico, in the city of Guadalajara, for many years, I always listened to this English radio station that played only classic rock songs. It was then that I went to see for the first time a famous rock band in concert, which was Quiet Riot, when they were huge world-wide.

Music has been and will always be a big part of my life and classic rock is my musical preference.

Thanks Rich for creating this Classic Rockers Network. You & all CRN members Rock!
Welcome to the site Janis! Glad to have you here... those are two of my favorite albums that your sister introduced you to! I love Houses of Holy and Sticky Fingers! Anyway... enjoy the site!
Hello to all the Rockers out there!!! I have been rocking since I was 1 day old!!! And I am still rocking today!! Grew up in Philadelphia, and seen many concerts there at the Spectrum!! I've seen Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Van Halen, Rush, George Thorougood, Guns & Roses, Alice In Chains, Judas Priest, and Ozzy Osbourne to name a few. Glad they have this great site for us Rockers!! Hope to meet some new people as well!! Have a Rocking Weekend Everyone!! Feel free to add me to your friends list!!
Good afternoon everyone! New to this site--just joined today, in fact. My name is Jim; I was born, raised, and still live in southern NJ, and share a birthday (August 10) with Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson. I love classic rock and have so many favorites it is hard to pare a list down to just five or even ten. My favorite bands and artists include the Eagles, Allman Brothers, Genesis, Beatles, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Beach Boys, Santana, and Elton John. My favorite songs include Hotel California by the Eagles (love the guitar harmony); Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd (my cell phone ringtone); Jessica by the Allman Brothers; Telegraph Road by Dire Straits; and Funeral For a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding by Elton John. Thank you, Rich Page, for providing this website. I'm sure I will like it here. Feel free to add me as a friend.
I live in Kentucky with my wife and two kids and am a music junkie. I do like Classic Rock but also enjoy finding new bands. Not into indie rock where it seems like the weirder the better but I like new rock that draws on the influence of 70's rock. I play in a band that does that, if unintentionally, and teach psychology.
All you classic rockers.

This is Bob J. Zehmer, to cut it short BJZ will do!
My passion about rock'n'roll was born when I was 10. The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan and Led Zeppelin were my front line ferrymen that shipped me through the churning sea that laps on the very rock land. Then I and some friends started a band at 15 and after I would meet and play in more groups along the route. Nothing but stay together and have a great time, getting strength and enthusiasm from rock; like only rock and roll can do it!
No matter if I couldn't leave my mark upon the "rock", I enjoyed myself and that's why I entitled my late novel Blue Opera Rock, to pay a tribute to one of the most amusing, extraordinary and gorgeous art forms mankind could ever get shining in this world of ours.
And, if someone thinks that rock and roll is nothing but music, he's got it wrong.
Finally, classic rock is a monument of human talent, what I can't make out in new rock.
Last but not least, I want to thank Rich for giving us this site to gather.

Rock forward to rolling with you...
Take care
Hi Everyone - good to be here! I love classic rock like everyone else here - Pink Floyd & Led Zeppelin are my Top 2 favorites though I enjoy LOTS & LOTS of classic rockers & blues players:) Looking forward to exploring the site more! If anyone wants to hear a truly GOOD new rock band, check out my profile to hear HECTOR Backwoods. They recently opened for KISS, my husband is the singer/bassist, & they ROCK!
Hi Carla,
Nice to meet you here.
Heard the songs of your husband's r'n'r band, they rock for good!
I want to congratulate!
Take good care.
Bob J. Zehmer
Hey Bob,
Thanks for checking out the band & for the friend request - granted! :-) Hope you have a great day.
Hi everyone,
first I have to disappoint you: I love every kind of good music, not only classic rock. Born in Vienna/Austria I grew up with all kinds of music around me. The Beatles, the Stones they were hot but The Who were my first passion -"A legal matter" a key song before I heard Jimi Hendrix, who I saw at two concerts in Vienna on 22 january 1969. In the second concert I sat in the first row and Jimi dedicated "Loverman " to me, looking at me and signing towards me that I would have to take over some day soon ...since that day we have a telepathic connection i became a guitar player, spreading Jimi's message until today, yeah one should understand that Jimi became the Guardian Angel of all guitar players in the Universe - hard to imagine, I know ...I teach (at the moment around 50 students), I compose and produce music. I do videos as well, draw and write poetry and I have an immense loving light being as a friend called Sirion who once in awhile whispers messages into my mind, that are like little crutches for my human mind to grab and take a little walk into the higher realms, not necessarily heavy but playful. You can tune in on my webpage on "angelgossip" - but you can also listen to/ or download my music for free. The age of money is fading in the past, just wait a few more years ... Bye, bye, greedy fingers, creators of poverty on the other side of the planet ...
Stay free, music lovers, you are the "blessed ones".
Hey man, thanks for your loving words ...


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