Classic Rockers Network

Classic Rock Fan Community: Led Zep, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Doors & More

Hey all - I just started this forum topic so that everyone on here can introduce themselves, and tell the world all about their classic rock passion!

Anyway, I am the Founder of this website, so here is all about me...

My name is Rich Page, and I have been into classic rock since I was 15. I have always wanted to create a classic rock fan website - and created my first classic rock website in 1996 (when the internet was just a baby) all about the Doors. I was very proud of it.

Back in January 2008, I decided to get ambitious and create a classic rock online community! And so, classic rockers network was born!

To tell you a little bit more about me, I am originally from England, and now live in Hollywood, after spending 6 years in San Diego. In addition to being a hugely passionate classic rock fan, I also love improving websites and lucky for me my regular job lets me do that - I am a web analyst for Disney Online. I also love watching and collecting great movies, doing karaoke (badly), bowling, eating great food (love mexican and sushi in particular). So that's about it.

Lets hear from all you other classic rock fans out there! Start introducing yourselves...

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Love the pic Hack - I reckon that's me top right hand corner.

Hi I'm JJ

I started to do a Classic Rock radio show and then it hit me , what is classic rock?  Well I always viewed classic rock as 70s and 80s but thought I'll see what Mr Google has to say on it  and came across this site.  So that's why I am here really.

Really good to get others opinions and band ideas. 

Hi Everybody

    I've been a fan of Classic Rock music since 1963 my first band that I got into was The Lovin' Spoonful". I've been actively collecting CR music for over 50 years. I currently broadcast a CR radio show with 3 other broadcasters at our local volunteer radio station where I live. Please tune in to for streaming audio

on Friday evenings from 6-8PM (PST) for "The Weed Patch" radio show on KFOK. Classic Rock music at its finest.


Hey all. Just joined the site. Huge Zeppelin fan ("Zepileptic"). Been listening to classic rock for almost 40 years now. Check out my profile. Looking forward to shooting the shit with you guys. CLASSIC ROCK FOREVER!


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