Classic Rockers Network

Classic Rock Fan Community: Led Zep, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Doors & More

Hey all - I just started this forum topic so that everyone on here can introduce themselves, and tell the world all about their classic rock passion!

Anyway, I am the Founder of this website, so here is all about me...

My name is Rich Page, and I have been into classic rock since I was 15. I have always wanted to create a classic rock fan website - and created my first classic rock website in 1996 (when the internet was just a baby) all about the Doors. I was very proud of it.

Back in January 2008, I decided to get ambitious and create a classic rock online community! And so, classic rockers network was born!

To tell you a little bit more about me, I am originally from England, and now live in Hollywood, after spending 6 years in San Diego. In addition to being a hugely passionate classic rock fan, I also love improving websites and lucky for me my regular job lets me do that - I am a web analyst for Disney Online. I also love watching and collecting great movies, doing karaoke (badly), bowling, eating great food (love mexican and sushi in particular). So that's about it.

Lets hear from all you other classic rock fans out there! Start introducing yourselves...

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I am a very private person; cynical, sarcastic, and in a state of continuous emotional disruption as an alter ego to a more stable and regulated individual who carries on a normal existence from day to day. Anybody want to be my friend?
Hi Rich, thanks for creating this great page for classic rock fans! I'm 21 and have been a fan of classic rock since I was about 10. the first two rock albums I owned were Chuck Berry's The Great 28 and The Beatles White Album. I'd listen to newer rock bands if i could but, in my opinion, they just don't stack up. My favorite Classic rock bands are The Beatles, The Stones, Dylan, And Zappa. I love the blues too, my favorite blues musician is Muddy Waters. If you love classic rock bootlegs, make sure to check out my ning page at: Cheers!
Hi all,

I'm new to the community-- just joined today. Looks fantastic!

Claire's the name and I've been a classic rock fan since I was about twelve. I'm ashamed to say that I desperately wanted the CD "Baby One More Time" by Brittney Spears for my birthday, but luckily my dad bought me "The White Album" instead. My life hasn't been the same since.

I also enjoy old soul and R&B music as well as the blues. Film is another one of my passions.

It's quite nice to meet all of you!
If only all Britney Spears albums were replaced with Beatles albums! Thanks for the intro - looking forward to seeing some great contributions on here from you!

Nice meeting you, too! I'm new today, too! This website is Awesome!

Hi rich n thank ya fo rthis opportunity to introduce my slef here..

I live in jeddah, ksa at present, use to live in usa many years ago studied business management in texas in 80s..and there where i liked rock music in general n classic rock music n singers..i still have many of best rock music albums .. mostely i lik e80s music in general .. but specialy rock... pink floyd, eagles, rolling stones, scorpions, dif lepered, led zeplean, and more.. some singers..billy idol, van helin, john wate, brayan adams, and more.. i feel real comfortable and in nice mood when i listen to rock music.. some favorate songs: hotel of california , there is no one like ya, i will be right here waitning for ya, most of classic rock music groups n singers...i chooses to join this network to build goo dfriendship and be close where ones who are in same music favorate area..

Simply i am a classic rocker .. also some time i lik eto listen to heavy rock music ... my rock sign: rock music is a fantastic and special world into the bigger world ..rock i snot like any.. it is only made to be rock n no other music or art wld be the same at all..

Your new good friend n network colleage
Hi, I'm Marla. I'm a country girl from Oklahoma who loves listening to classic rock from the 50's to now! I fell in love with Elvis Presley's music & voice when I was very young, so when he died I was one of the many females who cried. I listen to a variety of music but classic rock will ALWAYS be my favorite!
Hi ya ll , is good i found one who loves some of oldies rock music, will to me 80s rock music in general are wonderfull, one of best classic rock singers i like brayan adams n others as will, and i find it right time to discuss thi sw ya all : why most of radio bands still bringing all those beautifull rock songs from 80s like hotel of california for eagles one of my best songs, am talking about all rock music classic n heavy , to me i think they still ones of best rock songs, what about ya what to say???

Glad to meet ya all
Hello Crew! I just wanted to say it feels good to be surrounded by fellow Classic Rock fans. I guess my first year of loving this stuff was 1976 at the tender but wild age of 16. They can have all this new music. Give me a double dose of Nazareth, Van Halen, Golden Earring and all thats close and I am just fine.
For a little fun when you are bored, visit my blog and vote in the Classic Rock "Battle of the Bands" and check out the "Name That Tune" page, and also check the Classic Rock Rewinds out that I post each week. See all this at Hope to see you there and Enjoy!
Hey! Thanks for the intro - thanks for joining up! I also just checked out your blog - very cool! I really like the idea of the classic rock rewinds section. Feel free to post some of that stuff on here too. I also voted in your battle of the bands section - great idea! Anyway, again, welcome - and I look forward to seeing your contributions on here!
Thanks for the good words on the "Classic Rock Rewinds" and the "Battle of the Bands". I will try and slip a few things like that over here too. I enjoy playing around with the different things like that concerning the classic rock music we all love.
Hi folks! What a great place. I'm a new member and I'll have to explore the site in the next few days. I've just started a music blog that focuses on the 60s and 70s. I hope you'll visit and leave me a comment at Cheers...


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